Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Pinterest Community - 14 Days to Toxin-Free Living

There is a community coming together on Pinterest where you can share and learn more about the toxin-free living.

The community will gain momentum as there are many people who now realise that going toxin free impacts not only their own health but that of their families.  

We are doing lots of switching and ditching.  We are clearing out the toxic chemicals and replacing with our range of Young Living products.

To have a sparkling clean home doesn't require harsh chemicals and toxic ingredients.  In fact, with so many under-regulated and misleading household cleaning products containing toxic ingredients on the market, knowing what is safe and what isn't can be overwhelming.

I love that Young Living is committed to keeping our homes safe from toxic chemicals with our line of naturally derived Thieves household cleaning products.

I find that whenever I use these products, I feel great knowing they're safe to use around everyone in the family, including kids and pets. 



If you want to order essential oils and other Young Living products and be part of the community I suggest you start with a Premier Kit because there are many benefits to you if you do that.  It sets you up to get 24% off your products and it gives you access to "The Mix Community"  - exclusive to people who are part of this amazing community with over 20,000 positive people all living toxin free.  

The Challenge will take place in our closed Facebook Group. Here is the link to join us.  

Seven Guidelines for Better Lung Health

Take a deep breath.   IN and OUT. IN and OUT. That simplest of actions is the essence of your life. We are completely dependent o...