Friday, November 2, 2018

CLEANING is bad for your health

Watch this video and you will see that they think that the cleaning of your house with toxic chemicals is equivalent to 20 years of smoking.

So the question  "Is cleaning your house harmful to your health?
Without question it is.

You will have had that experience of cleaning something and you inhale and feel a burning in your throat or you get a cough. Smelling and breathing in toxic chemicals are harmful to your health and you should not have any doubts.

So we all want a clean house and I am here to tell you do not need to stress about it. 

Young Living says "Clear out the Chemicals!"
A sparkling clean home doesn't require harsh chemicals and toxic ingredients.  In fact, with so many under-regulated and misleading household cleaning products containing toxic ingredients on the market, knowing what is safe and what isn't can be overwhelming. 

So are excited because we have a 14-day challenge beginning very soon where were are going to remove toxic chemicals from our homes.  We are so excited to be able to help others appreciate the importance of switching and ditching.  Ditching the toxic chemicals and switching to the Thieves range of products for all your cleaning.  The good part you save yourself heaps of money. 


If you want to order your Young Living products (your Theives kit,  I suggest you start with a Premier Kit because there are many benefits to you if you do that.  It sets you up to get 24% off your products and it gives you access to "The Mix Community"  - exclusive to people who are part of this amazing community with over 20,000 positive people all living toxin free.  

The 14-day challenge:
We are also doing a 14-day Challenge to remove toxins from our homes.  When you start to realise how the cleaning products and personal care products we are using are negatively impacting our health and the big businesses do not care. You have to take responsibility for removing toxins - your life depends on it!

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