Every little effort to be greener does count.
Where better to start to make a difference than in your own home?
Try the money (and environment) saving tips for a more energy efficient home.

Remember when your parents used to moan at you about leaving the lights on or shutting the fridge. They were doing more than just saving on the family's power bill. Turning off what you're not using can save up to 10% of your home's total energy expenditure.l If you're going away on vacation, consider buying energy saving electronic light switch timers.
Unplug your appliances:
From your television to your mobile phone charger, "vampire appliances", appliances that use power even when they are not turned on, suck up power and raise electric bills every month. The solution: unplug the appliances that you aren't using. Even those appliances left on standby mode account for a huge amount of energy consumption.
From your television to your mobile phone charger, "vampire appliances", appliances that use power even when they are not turned on, suck up power and raise electric bills every month. The solution: unplug the appliances that you aren't using. Even those appliances left on standby mode account for a huge amount of energy consumption.
Say goodbye to paper towels:
Yes, they are relatively cheap and make cleaning up spills a little bit easier. But with the average person using 3000 of them a year, they are huge and unnecessary waste, ending up in our landfills on a daily basis. Instead, keep rags, old dishcloths or even old -t-shirts under the kitchen sink for quick clean-ups.
Yes, they are relatively cheap and make cleaning up spills a little bit easier. But with the average person using 3000 of them a year, they are huge and unnecessary waste, ending up in our landfills on a daily basis. Instead, keep rags, old dishcloths or even old -t-shirts under the kitchen sink for quick clean-ups.
Create a low-flush toilet:
You might have heard of people putting bricks in their toilet thank to create a low-flow model. The brick would displace the water, decreasing the amount of water the tank actually holds,k so you'd use less water with each flush. While using bricks is no longer recommended (over time they can break down and the residue can lead to plumbing damage), the concept can still be recreated through other means. Doing this can save up to 3000 gallons of water a year.
Green your cleaning products:
Thinking those natural household products don't cut the mustard (or grease) as well as your chemical-laden favourites? Think again! With a host of environmentally-friendly cleaning options available, like 2.5 pH strong acidic water for sanitation and 1.5 pH strong alkaline water for degreasing, there is no excuse to not help clean up the planet, whilst cleaning your home.
Thinking those natural household products don't cut the mustard (or grease) as well as your chemical-laden favourites? Think again! With a host of environmentally-friendly cleaning options available, like 2.5 pH strong acidic water for sanitation and 1.5 pH strong alkaline water for degreasing, there is no excuse to not help clean up the planet, whilst cleaning your home.
Note: Young Living does have the Thieves range of products which work well if you really can't get over cleaning with our Kangen Water. Infused with lemon essential oils they are great products to use. Details of how to get your Thieves Products are given below.
Shop at your local farmers market:
Not only will this encourage you to buy food with reduced packaging, but it will also save on food miles that are usually created by purchasing food from afar.
Already buy organic?
Great but you can go one better by growing your own without using chemical pesticides and fertilizer. If you don't have a garden, try growing your own herbs and veggies in a pot.
Forgo the thermostat:
Instead of cranking up the heat in your home when you're feeling cold, try reaching for a blanket or sweater instead. You could also try doubling up on players, such as wearing two pairs of socks or by having come comfy slippers to wear around the house.
Eat less meat:
The reality is that according to the UNs Food and Agriculture Organisation they estimate that livestock production generates nearly one-fifth of the worlds greenhouse gasses - more than transportation! According to the Environment Defence Fund, "if every American skipped one meal of chicken per week, and substituted vegetarian foods instead, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than half a million cars off US roads.
The reality is that according to the UNs Food and Agriculture Organisation they estimate that livestock production generates nearly one-fifth of the worlds greenhouse gasses - more than transportation! According to the Environment Defence Fund, "if every American skipped one meal of chicken per week, and substituted vegetarian foods instead, the carbon dioxide savings would be the same as taking more than half a million cars off US roads.
Take tech breaks:
Addicted to Facebook? Relentlessly checking your emails. See if you can stay off the grid for one weekend a month. You will save energy and you may just discover something fun to do with all the extra time you will have! Not only will this benefit the planet, but it will do wonders for your stress levels too!
Addicted to Facebook? Relentlessly checking your emails. See if you can stay off the grid for one weekend a month. You will save energy and you may just discover something fun to do with all the extra time you will have! Not only will this benefit the planet, but it will do wonders for your stress levels too!
In these Eco Ideas we suggested here we mention Young Living having a range of Thieves products.
These products are natural and cover your household and then they have makeup and a wide range of products. Lots of switching and ditching to be done yet.
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